Differences Windows 8 and Windows RT
Release | Windows 8 was released on October 26, 2012, Windows RT will be available in November. |
Features | Windows RT does not have the features of Windows Media Player, Storage Space, BitLocker Encryption (although Windows RT systems offer encryption), Group Policy Management, and Remote Desktop only works in client mode. RT Windows and Windows 8 support many languages, IE 10, Xbox Live, Windows Defender, Exchange ActiveSync, Windows Play streaming and virtual networking. |
Interface | Windows 8 and Windows RT run the new Metro interface. The interface of Windows 8 could drop down to the old Windows desktop applications. RT Windows can not. |
Compatibility | Windows RT is equipped with Office already installed, Windows 8 is not. Windows RT restrict development APIs - Application Programming Interfaces - especially for web browsers. Only IE that can perform many functions in the Windows RT. |
Upgrading | Not upgrade to Windows RT from any operating system coz Windows RT is a new system. Windows 8 can be upgraded from the previous operating system. |
Hardware | Windows RT only runs on ARM processors, Windows 8 running on x86 processors. RT Windows will not run natively on Intel-AMD, Windows 8 will not run on ARM devices. |
Purchase | Windows RT is only available on the device. Windows 8 will be available for PC and version upgrades. |
Price | For some applications, the Windows 8 be purchased separately. While Windows RT does. |
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Differences Windows 8 and Windows RT