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Can an Old Computer to Install Windows 8?

By TechPreet
On Friday, 26 October 2012
at 20:51

Can an Old Computer to Install Windows 8? Perhaps it is a question that arises for computer users today the launch of Windows 8 is the latest operating system from Microsoft. I use XP computer, my other computer using Vista, and use the Win 7, Can an old computer to install Windows 8? When viewed from the specifications of Windows 8 that uses at least 1 GHz processor, 2 GB memory, and a display that can produce a resolution of 1366 X 768 pixels. Then an old computer with specs as above at least been able to install Windows 8. But this also does not guarantee the compatibility of Windows 8 on a relatively old computer components.

Can an Old Computer to Install Windows 8?

When viewed as a whole, older computers can be installed Windows 8 is minimal computer was able to install Windows 7 as the operating system is much closer to the specification in Windows 8. Moreover, now there are about 1,000 branded computer that supports the operating system. and Windows 8 is now officially available in 140 countries. Users who want to buy this operating system can be a way to download directly from the Microsoft site, or buying a piece of installation for $ 69.9 USD. But special users who have purchased a laptop computer or Windows 7 on June 2, 2012 - January 31, 2013, Microsoft offered upgrades to Windows 8 Pro is priced at $ 14.9 USD.
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